Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Blog Tag

Okay, so Lisa blog tagged me and so I am finally going to do it... Sorry Lisa, I'm a slacker. :)

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. I have OCD. I try to pretend like I don't, but really I do. Everything in my life has to be in place and facing the right direction. I make shopping list based on the categorey they are in... like produce, dairy, bakery... I then go one step further and arrange them according to where they are in the store. Eveything in my cupboard and pantry have to be in the exact same place, and it drives me crazy for other people to put my stuff away. I can't stand it when othere people write on my calendars... I will buy a new one it this happens. I know, I'm a freak.

2. I am very routine oriented. If something comes up unexpected it throws me for the biggest loop that it is hard for me to recover. I have a certain time that I do everything, I even plan in service time into my day just so that when things like that come up I can handle it.

3. I can't whistle. I just never figured it out.

4. I only learned how to snap when I was a senior in high school... and the only reason I learn then was because we did West Side Story as our school musical and I had to learn... it took about 6 weeks for me to finally pick it up.

5. I love to buy office supplies. Pens, note books, post its... you name it I love it. My favorite store is Office Max.

6. I had a crush on Ryan from the moment I first met him in Junior High. I knew then that he was the man of my dreams. To bad it took 8 years for us to figure out we really did belong together.

Okay... because I only have like 4 people that read my blog... Heather, and Wendy. You are it.


Dixie Chic said...

I LOVE it!!! And guess what? I do the SAME thing with MY grocery list!! I actually type it out, too- starting with the area that's first there when you walk into Walmart, then going down each isle, LOL! I really honestly do, because if I don't, I forget and I HATE HATE HATE having to push the cart cleeear over to the other side of the store just to get the item I forgot! LOL! I'm glad to know I'm not the only shopping list nut! :)

I would LOVE for you to rub some of that OCD onto me- my kitchen cupboards could use some tidiness! LOL!

Thanks for doing your 6 habits- I LOVED reading them. :)

Heather said...

I thought I'd already commented on this! LOL. I guess I'm kind of OCD, too! My grocery list is organized like that. Although it's taken me awhile to get into the "groove" of our new Macey's. I'm slowly figuring out the new places they've put everything. There's nothing more frustrating on a grocery trip with your kids than having to back-track a million times around the store.

I also HATE when things aren't put exactly where I want them in my cupboards. They aren't super organized, but space is limited. So I know in my head where each thing should go. :O)

Cute facts. I think I actually already knew those things about you but totally forgot the whistling and snapping thing. hee hee. :)