Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bad blogger

I have been a really bad blogger lately. Our cameras battery died last weekend, and I still haven't been able to find the charger. I haven't seen it since the move three months ago. I am hoping that tomorrow while Sheldon is at preschool I can look through the boxes that are down stairs and see if I can find it.

Anyway, we have had such a busy couple of weeks. Between Sheldon's preschool, tumbling and soccer practies and games, and Allie's tumbling, and dance classes, Ryan's work and softball games, and my new church calling we have had very little time for anything else. We are however all doing very well. We are busy but, very happy.

I haven't been feeling very good the past few weeks with the pregnancy and everything. The doctor has put me on a new morning sickness med, but it makes me really drowsy. I don't know which is worse, the thowing up everything that hits my stomach, or wanting to sleep for four hours during the day. I just have to keep telling myself only a few more months! :)

Friday, August 3, 2007

Sheldon and Allie have been taking swimming lessons this summer. I haven't been able to get any picutres until yesterday, because I have been in the pool with Allie each day, but yesterday Ryan came with us and decided that he wanted to be able to swim with Allie, so I got to be on the edge of the pool and take some pictures, finally.
Allie loves jumping off of the side of the pool. She goes all the way down into the water and comes up with a big huge smile on her face.

Sheldon on the other hand likes to put his head down in the water and kick himself across the pool. He is really learning to keep his body up at the top of the water and hold his breath for a really long time. I think right now he could probally do it longer than I could. The teacher walks right in front of the kids so that they feel like they are really safe. In case he starts to sink she is right there to grab him, but he usually makes it all the way across with out her help.
He is such a little fish.

Allie hasn't quite figured out the idea on swimming. She doggie paddles almost every where. She normally will jump in off the side of the pool, and then turn right around to swim over to the stairs. She then climbs up the stairs and does it all over again.

At the very end of wach class, they get to go down to the deep end of the pool and jump off the diving board a couple of times. They both think that this is so awesome!