Okay... I know that I am a total dork, and all of you who have husbands that travel for work will laugh at me, but I miss Ryan. Since we have been married we have only spent 1 night away from each other. That night was last week... and I saw him Friday and Saturday, so it really doesn't count. Ryan left to Dallas this morning for a conference. He will be gone until Monday afternoon... unless he wins the car, and then he won't be home until Tuesday. I cried when the kids and I left him at the terminal this morning... cried when I hung up the phone when he called to tell me he was there, and then cried again when he called to say goodnight to the kids. I don't do well when I feel like half of me is in Dallas. :( Ryan has always been my best friend... the love of my life... my everything. I don't think that I could ever handle if he travelled all of the time. I have great respect for people who can do that... I'm to much of a baby.
Wow! I hadn't realized you've never been apart! I used to FREAK OUT when Wendell was gone. It doesn't happen often...and I still don't love it. But it does get easier, I think. My problem is at night, when all these horrible thoughts race through my head about what could happen to him or us while he's away. I hope the time goes by quickly for you!
I just don't so well while he is gone. I couldn't sleep last night... I don't think about the bad things that could happen. I just miss having him around. It feels like my heart isn't in my body.
I'm sorry to hear half of you is missing! That's always SO hard when our sweethearts are out of town. We've been married 11+ years, and I STILL can't deal with it! Lol. It's hardest at night (for me), because I always freak out about someone coming in the house. I keep all the lights on, chairs under the doorknobs, etc. LOL! I don't think anyone would think of you as a "baby"! We just love our husbands THAT much. :)
I don't do well when Russ is gone and thankfully it hasn't been often. I think it is nice to know that at least you do miss him rather than being glad he's gone. Last time Russ was gone I tried to do things that I can't usually do when he's home (girl movies, reading a long book). I still miss him but at least the time passes faster!
Hooray for Husband's Homecoming!!! :)
I remember that day!!! And I totally know how you feel--it is weird when they are gone!
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