Monday, November 19, 2007

My nightmare almost came true...

Yesterday Ryan, the kids and I went to church and my kids were so great in Sacrament meeting that I thought a couple of times that we must have grabbed someone else's kids. During Sunday School I was not feeling to great... Ryan had Reese's Pieces that he was eating and the smell of them made me throw up twice in the hour of Sunday School. During Relief Society I started having contractions. I would have 1 about every 10 minutes or so. Then when I got home they were at every 5 minutes. I laid down and tried to relax thinking that they would just go away... no such luck. We went up to Ryan's parents house for dinner and they kept coming. Ryan's brother-in-law (his sister's husband) who is a doctor asked if I wanted him to check me. HUM... NO was my answer. For 7 hours I was having contractions every 5 minutes. I asked Ryan to give me a blessing because I just couldn't be put in the hospital this week with Thanksgiving and Enrichment night. We got home at about 7:30 and Ryan told me I needed to go soak in the tub, and go to bed. Finally at about 12:30 the contractions stopped. I am so sore today, and have been taking it very easy. (under direction from Dr. Dave and my darling Hubby.) I do feel better and haven't had as many contractions, so hopefully we can keep this baby in for a few more weeks. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Talk about crazy

Okay, so I am one of the craziest people that you will ever meet. Back in May when we moved into the new house we said that we would like to have Thanksgiving here. We didn't at the time know that I would be pregnant and having problems. Well now that we are less than a week away from the wonderful day, I am stressing out. It is Ryan's family that will be eating here, and we will have 14 adults and 5 kids. For any of you who know me, I can't just do dinner... it has to be the whole deal. Spotless house, cute tables, favors for the guests, activities for the kids, plus the wonderful meal. I just don't know how I am going to get it all done. Ryan luckly is the chef in our house, so I don't have to worry to much about the food... it is the rest of it that scares me to death. I just hope that the contractions and the bleeding will keep itself at bay for the week. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

The week following Thanksgiving is our Enrichment night. We have a very divided ward and I have been racking my brain to come up with a nice Enrichment to help the sisters get to know each other better. Plus I have 600 dollars in my Enrichment budget that I have to use. So we are having a nice sit down dinner totally cooked by my darling hubby. I have been stressing out about this Enrichment because other than myself and the Enrichment committee leader I have one other person on the committee. YIKES!! I'm praying that all will go how I have planned... I'm decorating each table in a different color and giving out little gift bags in each other one of the colors to the sisters as they walk in the door. That way they will have to sit at the assigned table and not by their group ob friends. I know that I am going to get a lot of complaints from the sisters that have lived in the ward forever, but those of us that haven't will finally be able to meet some of the other sisters. I hope that everything works out and I don't have so many complaits that the Bishop releases me... of course would that really be such a bad thing? HUM!?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I miss my baby

Okay... I know that I am a total dork, and all of you who have husbands that travel for work will laugh at me, but I miss Ryan. Since we have been married we have only spent 1 night away from each other. That night was last week... and I saw him Friday and Saturday, so it really doesn't count. Ryan left to Dallas this morning for a conference. He will be gone until Monday afternoon... unless he wins the car, and then he won't be home until Tuesday. I cried when the kids and I left him at the terminal this morning... cried when I hung up the phone when he called to tell me he was there, and then cried again when he called to say goodnight to the kids. I don't do well when I feel like half of me is in Dallas. :( Ryan has always been my best friend... the love of my life... my everything. I don't think that I could ever handle if he travelled all of the time. I have great respect for people who can do that... I'm to much of a baby.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Girl's weekend.

Okay. So 10 years ago I met some of the most special people in my life. And this past weekend we all met up in Logan again for an overnighter. I haven't been to Logan since graduation, so it was fun to see all of the changes and enjoy the company of such wonderful people.
Here we all are on the famous A. The kid that we snagged to take the picture didn't quite let us know he was taking it. Thus the weird poses. :)

Here is a bit of a close up. on the bottom. Wendy, Emily and myself. Top row Heather, Anna and Heather.
We stayed up until 1:30 talking... which is way past me bed time, and then got up at 7:30 the next moning. We talked and laughed and remembered our time together. Can you believe that we were all just put together and we ended up actually loving each other. It is amazing how the Lord works.


Okay... I know this is so late, but at least it is here. My kids are still a little young to really understand what Halloween is all about. Allie just knows that she gets to dress up and she loves that. I asked Allie what she wanted to be for Halloween and showed her some pictures. She figured it would be fun to be Snow White. My mom loved this idea and when full force and made her this darling Snow White outfit. Including the tricker treat bad.

She took her stuffed Dopey with her, because Dopey goes everywhere with Snow White. She told us to do a picture while she was kissing him.

Sheldon wouldn't do a picture without Allie. And when we got this one he had to have a crazy face. We went to Walmart and he saw this Spider Man costume and just had to have it. I'm glad it was something easy and I didn't have to go on a quest to find something for him.

Blog Tag

Okay, so Lisa blog tagged me and so I am finally going to do it... Sorry Lisa, I'm a slacker. :)

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. I have OCD. I try to pretend like I don't, but really I do. Everything in my life has to be in place and facing the right direction. I make shopping list based on the categorey they are in... like produce, dairy, bakery... I then go one step further and arrange them according to where they are in the store. Eveything in my cupboard and pantry have to be in the exact same place, and it drives me crazy for other people to put my stuff away. I can't stand it when othere people write on my calendars... I will buy a new one it this happens. I know, I'm a freak.

2. I am very routine oriented. If something comes up unexpected it throws me for the biggest loop that it is hard for me to recover. I have a certain time that I do everything, I even plan in service time into my day just so that when things like that come up I can handle it.

3. I can't whistle. I just never figured it out.

4. I only learned how to snap when I was a senior in high school... and the only reason I learn then was because we did West Side Story as our school musical and I had to learn... it took about 6 weeks for me to finally pick it up.

5. I love to buy office supplies. Pens, note books, post its... you name it I love it. My favorite store is Office Max.

6. I had a crush on Ryan from the moment I first met him in Junior High. I knew then that he was the man of my dreams. To bad it took 8 years for us to figure out we really did belong together.

Okay... because I only have like 4 people that read my blog... Heather, and Wendy. You are it.