Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First day of School!

Today was Sheldon's first day of Kindergarten. I can't believe that I have a child old enough for public school. He got on the bus at 7:50 this morning, and was as happy as could be. Mom on the other hand cried on the walk home, and then followed the bus up to school to make sure that he was okay. :(

Last week he had his assessments and so we snapped a couple of pictures inside the school.

Here he is by his class room door with his name on the wall. He was really excited to see his name on the bear.

He really wanted to show me that he could open the door by himself. That is what big kids do.

I'm sure that tomorrow I will have to do the same thing and follow the bus up, but hopefully by the end of the week I will be able to just let go. :)

Just a little side note: Ryan said that only really cool boys could wear pink to the first day of Kindergarten and make it look great! Thanks Grandma for all the wonderful school clothes!


Anonymous said...

Those pictures are so cute! Wow Sheldon looks so grown up! It looks like he's already "at ease" with the whole school thing. Way to go!

You're so cute- I remember the water works when Jordyn (my first) stared Kindergarten- each year I still cry when each child enters Kindergarten, but it gets easier, let me assure you. :)

Leanne said...

oh my gosh I would have done the same thing. I guess I just have to get through preschool before I have to do that! you're funny.

kaye said...

I am so very proud of all of you it isn't easy going off to school for the first time for ANYONE way to go MOM and Sheldon

Russ and Em said...

Congratulations to both of you! PS I love your new blog background

Elegante Family said...

So cute! I still can't believe they are in Kindergarten. Time goes so fast it is crazy. I hope Sheldon is having as much fun as Kiara is. She still askes about him alot, we need to get together.

Heather said...

I haven't cried yet. But I definitely have had anxiety. I would have a really hard time letting my kid go on the bus. But we live too close to the school to worry about that. Don't worry, after a few days, it won't be *as* bad. He looks like such a big boy!

Ashley Armstrong said...

What a cutie!!! I can't imagine what I'll be like when Maren goes to school! Be tough girl!

Jas said...

What cute kids! Of course I remember you nerd! How are things going? I would love to catch up. Here is my work e-mail jparker@slco.org!