Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Nine month flu

For anyone who has never experienced what Ryan and I like to call the 9 month flu, be very grateful that it has passed you by. With this pregnancy the morning sickness seems to get worse as the months go by, rather than getting better. Now the heartburn is almost more than I can stand.

My only oasis in this my darling husband. After a long night of heartburn and throwing up I had reached the end of my rope this morning. On the verge of a nervous break down I asked Ryan if there was anyway that he could take the morning off and help me out. Being the amazing guy that he is he called work and told them that he would be in later. He stayed in bed with me and rubbed my neck and head, got me some breakfast and was just a great comfort. He did have to go in for a little while to take care of a couple of clients, but told me that he would be home around 4 to help out again. What a relief! He is a great husband and support!


Leanne said...

Wow, I don't envy you. I hope this baby follows suit for you and comes a little early. Both of mine were late: 3 days and 1 week. But I wasn't sick at all when I was prego with either. Good Luck! (and thanks for the comments, I LOVE comments!)

Dixie Chic said...

Oh, man. I'm so sorry to hear that! You know- I've heard many times that horrid heartburn means that labor is close! Let's hope it's not just a wive's tale! HUGE kuddos to your sweet husband! He's definately a huge contender for husband of the year! I'm glad you had that pampering. You totally deserve it!

Oh, and btw- I TOTALLY empathize with you! I had the SAME thing the WHOLE dang time with my first child!! People kept telling me to "get over it", and that I was just being a "drama queen"!! Yeah. Imagine that. I actually LIKE throwing up and being deathly sick for 10 months! Lol!

Hang in there, girl- it's SOOOO close now!