Friday, November 16, 2007

Talk about crazy

Okay, so I am one of the craziest people that you will ever meet. Back in May when we moved into the new house we said that we would like to have Thanksgiving here. We didn't at the time know that I would be pregnant and having problems. Well now that we are less than a week away from the wonderful day, I am stressing out. It is Ryan's family that will be eating here, and we will have 14 adults and 5 kids. For any of you who know me, I can't just do dinner... it has to be the whole deal. Spotless house, cute tables, favors for the guests, activities for the kids, plus the wonderful meal. I just don't know how I am going to get it all done. Ryan luckly is the chef in our house, so I don't have to worry to much about the food... it is the rest of it that scares me to death. I just hope that the contractions and the bleeding will keep itself at bay for the week. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

The week following Thanksgiving is our Enrichment night. We have a very divided ward and I have been racking my brain to come up with a nice Enrichment to help the sisters get to know each other better. Plus I have 600 dollars in my Enrichment budget that I have to use. So we are having a nice sit down dinner totally cooked by my darling hubby. I have been stressing out about this Enrichment because other than myself and the Enrichment committee leader I have one other person on the committee. YIKES!! I'm praying that all will go how I have planned... I'm decorating each table in a different color and giving out little gift bags in each other one of the colors to the sisters as they walk in the door. That way they will have to sit at the assigned table and not by their group ob friends. I know that I am going to get a lot of complaints from the sisters that have lived in the ward forever, but those of us that haven't will finally be able to meet some of the other sisters. I hope that everything works out and I don't have so many complaits that the Bishop releases me... of course would that really be such a bad thing? HUM!?


Dixie Chic said...

Kelsey! I would LOVE to see how you do thankgsiving! It sounds like you're like me, and just want everything perfect, everyone to have a great time, even the kids! How lucky that Ryan cooks like that!!! I'd love to know what he's planning on cooking.

Enrichment sounds just like OURS!! We only had 3 people, too!! What IS it with Enrichment committees being so small these days? We FINALLY got another person in, just in time for the christmas dinner. $600 budget for the dinner? WHOA, NELLY!!! I'd LOVE to attend THAT dinner!!! LOL! Why are you having Ryan cook, when there's enough for you to have it catered AND hire entertaiment? LOL!! Wow. We only have $200, and $75 of that will be going to entertainment. We are having 2 sisters assigned to decorate a table using their own china, and christmas decor, and we have 12 tables. I LOOOOOOOVE your idea about color-coordinating where your sisters sit!! What a GREAT way to mingle everyone up!!!! :)

And HOLY MOLEY- doing all of this while you're about ready to burst? You ROCK!! I do think that you should have been given a LOT more help SEEING as you are so far along in your pregnancy!! You will be blessed for your efforts. It sounds like it will be two beautiful occasions that you're putting on!! :)

Heather said...

Wow. I'm totally opposite. I like to keep things as simple as possible. Maybe that's why I'm not that much fun! ha ha.

Anyway, it sounds like both parties will be super fun. We are planning a ward Christmas party for about $300! And that's OVER budget! So $600 is awesome. Ryan's such a good cook, I bet everything will be just great.

You're brave taking all of this on. Just will pass! And you'll look back on it with fond memories. The most important thing is to take it easy for yourself.

Good luck with everything!

Kelseybob said...

$600 is the budget just because the previous Enrichment leader didn't use any of it. So we get to go overboard and spend it all. When I was talking to Ryan about some ideas he offered to cook. He is amazing... he is making a Pomagrate glazed pork tender loin, spaghetti zuchinne, and rice pilaf. We are then going to have a chocolate fountain with a ton of different dipping things. We decided to not have entertainment, because we really needed our sisters to have a social time where they could talk and get to know each other better... we have a very divide ward. I hope that it will be a huge success. We shall see.

wendyberd said...

you better relax and keep that baby in you or i am coming to your house and being "the nanny" for you.
call me - i am only like 80-something blocks away!!!!