Thursday, September 27, 2007

Finding joy in your life.

Have you ever had one of those days? Today started like any other day of my life... I got up showered, cleaned my room, got the kids up and dressed. We all had breakfast and then sat on the porch to say goodbye to Ryan. From that moment on my day went down hill. And did it very quickly. Of course, like most days of my pregnancies, I was sick and have been consistantly for a couple of days and as a result my head has been killing me. My kids were playing quietly upstairs so I thought I would take my quiet moment and sweep, dust mop and wet mop the hardwood floors on the main floor of my house. I had just finished it when Allie came down stairs with Tic-Tacs that she had found in my purse. Shortly after putting a huge hand full of them in her mouth, she ran into the wall, of course it startled her and as a result she started to cry, spitting all of the Tic-Tacs on to the floor. While I was cleaning up that mess, Sheldon thought he would help out by pouring himself and Allie a glass of rootbeer. With the brand new half gallon he tried really hard, but alas he ended up spilling it over the kitchen floor. Needless to say, I lost it. I sent them both upstairs again to watch kid shows while I cried over spilt rootbeer. While I was cleaning/crying Ryan called. Of course I couldn't stop the water works while I was talking to him. A few hours after I got off of the phone with him I had a knock on the door and a darling girl handed me these beautiful flowers.

So needless to say it is now time for me to make my list of everything that I am grateful for.

(Thanks Lisa)

I have a wonderful husband who bends over backward to make me happy and to make me feel special.

I have two and a third wonderful children to teach me to laugh at life and enjoy my journey.

I have two wonderful parents who love and support me in everything that I do.

I have a home that is full of peace and love

I have a car that takes my family where we need to go.

I live in a place that allows me to open my windows and enjoy the quite of the world around me.

My husband has a job that he loves and that allows me to stay home.

I have two dogs that make me get out and walk every day.

I have the gospel in my life and it helps me to know that no matter how low I feel I am never alone.

I have wonderful friends who love me for who I am, flaws and all.

I am fourtunate enough to have my needs and some of my wants provided for.

I have 4 wonderful siblings who are always there when I need them.

I have a body that is healthy (except when pregnant) :P

I have a whole new life inside of me that reminds me every day that I am in a partnership with God.

I have a testimony of the atonement and know the power that it gives.

Enjoy your day everyone and really look to find the joy in your lifes!


Dixie Chic said...

Oh, wow. Your post made the tears come for me, and I've never met you in real life! (at least not yet!) I am so sorry you had "one of those days". I wish I could give you a great big (((HUG))). Will a cyber one do? :) What a SWEET and LOVING husband to send you those gorgeous flowers! (by the way- you are a great photographer!) I love your list, too. Very beautifully put. I try hard most days to play Pollyanna's "Glad" game and try to think of SOMETHING good, even when it looks hopeless. Usually you CAN find the blessing of it, and it's fun, too. :) I hope tomorrow brings you more smiles. :)

wendyberd said...

oh my gosh - i just started crying at my desk at work. thank you so much for reminding me to stop and think about the little things. wow! that's about all i can say. Kels - i sure do love ya and i'm sure glad we're friends.
hang in there - tomorrow will be better. :)

Heather said...

I have those days a lot, too. I'm glad I'm not the only one who cries over "spilt rootbeer", so to speak. Pregnancy hormones don't help either, do they? I love the beautiful flowers. He's such a great guy! I hope tomorrow is better. I loved reading your list, too. I need to get busy and do mine. Hang in there!