Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First day of School!

Today was Sheldon's first day of Kindergarten. I can't believe that I have a child old enough for public school. He got on the bus at 7:50 this morning, and was as happy as could be. Mom on the other hand cried on the walk home, and then followed the bus up to school to make sure that he was okay. :(

Last week he had his assessments and so we snapped a couple of pictures inside the school.

Here he is by his class room door with his name on the wall. He was really excited to see his name on the bear.

He really wanted to show me that he could open the door by himself. That is what big kids do.

I'm sure that tomorrow I will have to do the same thing and follow the bus up, but hopefully by the end of the week I will be able to just let go. :)

Just a little side note: Ryan said that only really cool boys could wear pink to the first day of Kindergarten and make it look great! Thanks Grandma for all the wonderful school clothes!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First day of School

Today is Allie's first day of preschool. I'm not sure if I am happy or sad about it. She is so excited that she is now a big girl!

She loved the sandbox at the schools play ground. Which surprised me a little because she doesn't really like to have dirty hands.

She wanted to make sure I got a picture of her happy school face. She is going to have no problem with me leaving her at school twice a week. :)

She is cute even when she isn't sleeping. :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Tired Allie

Allie had a bit of a melt down today. While she was sitting on the stairs she got really quite and when I went to look this is what I found.

I would have let her sleep longer, but if she gets a nap during the day then she doesn't sleep at night and then the next day she is a bit of a handful.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Great Green Jell-o Festival

Every year out stake has a Jell-o Festival. I was just cleaning off my camera card preparing for the first day of school and I found these pictures of Sheldon, Ryan and Allie rock climbing.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Cabin weekend

First of all, no I haven't finished the book yet. I keep trying, but I have so many other things that can't wait that I have to read mostly at night when the kids are in bed and Ryan is in rehearsals. Life for me is a little out of control. It is hard to be a single mom most days of the week. Ryan's mom has been helping us get our 1 year supply of food storage, so most spare minutes of the day is wrapped up in that. We have all been sick, except Ryan, and Sheldon starts Kindergarten in a couple of weeks. So needless to say I'm a bit out of control.
Anyhow, last weekend with took Ryan's family up to the cabin. We had lots of fun, but what Sheldon and Allie enjoyed the most was having some special time with Ryan.

We took the kids to the "Kids' pond" and Ryan showed Sheldon how to skip rocks. Ryan is a total pro at it and Sheldon was starting to get the hang of it.

Allie just loved the idea that she could walk in the water and find rocks. She would bend down to pick one up and dip her bum in the water and couldn't figure out why her bum kept getting wet. She would pick up a bigger sized rock and say, "I a strowng grril... huh Mom." She is a crack up.

Big E thought the kids splashing in the water was great! He just laughed and really enjoyed the chaos. When I put his feet in the water however he'd screamed bloody murder. I giggled and just did it again. I know, I'm a mean mom!
Other than that it is the same old craziness as always. Right now I feel like I am hanging on by a thread, but I will try to post again soon!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


So Kelsey and I have been slackers lately about blogging, but we have been really busy. I was cast as Nathan Detroit in Guys and Dolls for the Draper Arts Council. Visit www.draperartscouncil.org for more information :) Oh...and when we got back from the cabin this weekend "Breaking Dawn" was waiting for us on the doorstep, so if Kelsey seems to disappear for a week or two, it's because she is entwined in a story about vampires.

I'm going to let her read it first, so we aren't fighting over the book, and then I'll read it. :)