Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Swimming lessons

My kids aer now int he second session of swimming lessons at Shinsel Swimming School. They love the water and really enjoy the lessons. This is really great for me, because I am very afraid of water, and I don't want my kids to have the same fear that I do.

Allie is really taking to the water again this year. She loves the fact that she is a big girl and gets to go in the water by herself without mom. She loves to float on her back and tummy and loves to jump off the side and splash her teacher!

Sheldon really had a hard time because they wanted him to put his face in the water so much and he hates to have the water in his eyes. So this session I bought him a pair of goggles and he is doing so much better. He will even go to the bottom of the pool and grab things now.

Okay so he looks a little bit like a nerd in his goggles, but he has a bit of OCD and always has to tighten them and so the sides poke out so that he can tighten them whenever he needs to.

They make them swim the last couple of feet to the stairs by themselves, Sheldon is starting to get the hang of it now and doesn't fight so much to get there.

Ethan and I just sit on the side of the pool and watch, but I am thinking that I might try to get in with him for the last session in August. He loves bath time so much that I think he would really enjoy being in the water twice a week. We will see if they have any openings!


Russ and Em said...

I'm the same as Sheldon I hate water in my eyes - so I'm a little partial to the nerdy swimming look.

Leanne said...

cute swim lesson pictures...those will be fun to scrapbook! (do you?)

p.s. I like the new "look" on your blog!

Anonymous said...

I love your new blogskin! :) :)

I am so jealous that your kids are doing so well in swimming lessons! Yay for them, and yay for mom! I have a boy who will HATE getting his face wet, too, so the goggles are a GREAT idea!!! I totally wish my kids were in lessons already!

Kim said...

this may sound weird. i have heard of shinsels swim lessons and i am trying to google to find a number for them. when i googled it came up your blog. Can you please e-mail me their phone number. I am interested in getting my little girl in swim lessons.
thank you.

Meg said...

I had the same issue as Kim, I was trying to google Shinsles to find a number for them and the first and about only relevant search was your blog. Can you please e-mail me their phone number if you have it or just let me know when sign ups are. I have heard they are the last Saturday in April, is this true?