After dinner on Sunday Ryan and I were getting the kids ready for bed when Ryan got a call on his cell phone. Now this isn't such a surprise, because his cell phone is always ringing. The surprise was that it was two people from his mission that he had baptized.
They were in town and going down to Temple Square and wanted to see him.
So we packed up the kids and headed down town.

Here we all are. I never though we had a big family until I see us all together in a picture! :)

Julio, Ryan, Sara
They did there best to try to include me in the conversation, but it was a whole lot easier for them to speak in Spanish. I could pick out a few words here and there, but not enough to really know what they were talking about.
After we were done talking, we walked around a little bit and took some pictures of the kids. Sheldon was very happy to pose for some pictures.
This picture is a good example of what happens at our house all day long. Allie is trying to figure out how Sheldon is standing that way so she can do it too.
Monkey see, monkey do, and monkey get in trouble too!
Doesn't she look so sweet! She loved laying on the grass and smelling the flowers.
I don't realize how much my kids look alike until I see them all together like this. Ethan's first experience with grass... he actually didn't mind it too much.
I kept lifting Ethan up in the air and them bringing him down to kiss his cheeks. He was laughing every time and as a result so was I.

I just had to end with the beautiful picture Ryan took of the sunset. It was so beautiful that night and the sky was awesome.