After 38 weeks of throwing up, heartburn, aches and pains, On March 4th 2008 Ethan Michael Hoskins decided to make his debut.
I went into the hospital at 8:00 am on Tuesday and was put on patocine to get the contractions going and get Ethan to come out a play. After three hours the doctor came down to break my water and felt what he thought were fingers. He wiggle Ethan around for a little bit and then broke my water. About an hour later our wonderful nurse came to check me because with every contraction Ethan's heart rate would drop. When she check me she found that it wasn't fingers that they were feeling but rather a nose and mouth. Ethan was trying to come out in a facial presentation. This is not a good thing for baby or mom. They turned off the patocine and gave me the epidural hoping that my body would relax and he would readjust and come out the right way. No such luck. After an hour of waiting I was sent in for an urgent c-section. At 4:28, 15 minutes after going into the operating room Ethan way born. 7lbs, 5oz and 20 inches long.
He is doing really well now. I'm in lots of pain, but everyday I get a little bit better. I will post some more pictures in a little while.
Welcome little Ethan! (LOVE the name!) Man, Kelsey! I'm sorry to hear about your labor woes! I'm glad everything turned out as it should and you now have your handsome little man with you guys! He's a keeper! I can't wait to see more pics of your sweet little guy!
YAY!!!!! i am so glad he is finally here - and that you aren't pregnant anymore!!!!!
I'm glad he's finally here and it sounds like your delivery went about like the pregnancy. What a cutie though, there is nothing like those c-section babies when it comes to good looks. was it finding out the good old fashioned way the gender of the baby? Hopefully you were coherent enough to know. I hope you start to feel better soon.
Wow-what a relief to have that all over with. He's SUCH a cutie!! I was SO SURE it was going to be a girl! LOL. Tells you how good I am at these guessing games. I never get it right with mine, either. :) I hope your recovery goes quickly. ouch! And BTW- I am happy to see another Ethan - and I love Michael for the middle name. Just out of curiosity, what was your pick for a girl name?
Thanks ladies for the support.
Heather if we had a girl she would have been Addison K.
Cute :O)
Congratulations! What a cute little guy!
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