happens. You know that phrase about making lemonade out of lemons? Doesn't it seem sometimes that even if you did make lemonade out of the lemons you were handed that it would be so sour that you couldn't drink it? Sometimes life and our burdens can weigh so heavily on us that we feel like we may never get unburied.
Kelsey and I are in one of those times right now. I work in the title industry. With the housing market in one of its worst slumps in years, my income has been shaved to about 1/5 of what I was making last year. That wouldn't be a problem if we hadn't just bought a beautiful new home, or if we had been able to sell our old home and get the equity out of it. But the combination of all of these things has created a bit of a "perfect storm" for us and have really been teaching us some of lifes difficult lessons.
Then, to make things just a little more interesting, I decided to do another play. I love performing and have a really good time doing it, but it is a HUGE time commitment. It is truly like having a part time job that you don't get paid for. Not only am I a lead in the play, I'm also on the Draper Arts Council, so I have been very involved in the ticketing, advertising, set construction, etc. as well. It has been very fun for me to get involved in theater again. I remember now how much I love to be on stage. But this experience has definitely come with a hefty price tag. For the past three months, I have been in rehearsals Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturdays for 4 hours per day. The past month it has been Monday through Saturday. You can imagine the strain it has put on my sweet wife. We have joked about her being a single mom, but it really has been more true than I would like to admit.
In addition to taking on all the extra responsibilities that she would need to without me around, Kelsey has been taking care of the kids, coordinating school schedules, arranging soccer practices, donig her calling and basically being a super-woman. She has been stalwart and amazingly strong as she has battled through each day.
I don't mean to weigh you down with our problems. I just wanted to add a little bit of sugar to that bitter lemonade that we've been trying to make. I wanted you all to know what an amazing woman Kelsey is. She has put up with more in the past couple months than any wife should have to. She brightens my days and makes me want to be a better man. I am grateful to my gracious Father in Heaven that he has blessed my life with such an amazing, patient, beautiful woman. Kels - I love you!
When life hands you lemons, try to make sure the juice doesn't squirt in your eye as you're making lemonade. And find some sugar to add to'll make it easier to drink!
I really like that picture of Kelsey. She's such a beauty!
Wow. I LOVED reading this post. It is so nice to see how much a husband cares for his sweet wife. I didn't realize the economy was effecting you guys like that, and it's because Kelsey isn't a complainer like me! ;) It sounds like she certainly IS wonderwoman! Kelsey, do you do seminars? I really need some direction. Lol.
We are in the middle of losing everything, so I know some of the feelings that you guys are feeling. If I didn't have faith that the Lord was there in the forefront, paving the way for us (even though that road is a very rough one - one that we don't exactly want to take), then I don't know how we could go on.
You two have a beautiful relationship, just from what I can read. :) Way to go, because that's the most important thing!
That was really nice. I hope things get better for you guys!
My sweet hubby. He just thinks that way, because he doesn't hear all the murmurring that I do under my breath all day long. :)
I just read the beautiful things you wrote about Kels
I could not have picked a better husband for my little girl Know that we love you and continue to pray that some how things will workout for both of you and your little family
Just know that Dad and I love you all.
Kels - What a blessing to have such a thoughtful husband. It helps to know you picked a keeper especially when you don't get to see him for awhile. Russ and I have realized that the hardest times are when we grow the closest (even when that means we aren't seeing each other. Considering all you are dealing with - you should be the same person by now. Good luck with everything!
Hello to the Hoskins Family!! This is Keri (Nigbur) Hendrickson and I found your blog!
I can not believe that that you guys came to see me at Motherhood while pregnant with Sheldon (I hope I spelled that right!) and now he is Kindergarten????? No Way!
It is awesome to see what you guys have been up to and your family is beautiful!
Ryan you are awesome. Kelsey is a great woman. You guys will pull through. I hope you can sell that house and things will pick up for you soon.
Such a sweet Hubby! I hope things start to get better for you guys, it is really tough right now. I can't think of many people who are not struggling right now. It has been very humbling. Good Luck and we love you guys!!!
Kelsey, this is Nikki Detmers now Viehweg. You guys have a gorgeous family. I am glad that I have an addiction to surfing blogs and ran across yours.
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