Thursday, May 22, 2008

It is over

Don't you hate it when you put a tone of work into something and then no one shows up? That is what happen tonight. We had 20 people show up for Enrichment night. At first I was a little bummed to say the least, but once it got started we had a blast and everyone that was there really enjoyed themselves. So all in all it turned out really great!
One more success to add to my belt today is that Allie is now potty trained! YAY!! I have been kind of hit and miss with her since Ethan was born, more because I was just not ready to put the effort into it right now, but on Saturday she just wouldn't wear a Pull-up. So we tired, she had 2 accidents Saturday and then again on Sunday, one on Monday and on Tuesday. She had one yesterday that was really my fault, I didn't get in to help her fast enough, and today she has been totally dry! Yay Allie! I'm really proud of her, and I really truly believe girls are a lot easier than boys! :)


Heather said...

Wow- I hear you on all that stress! I'm a mess when I have to plan things like that. But it's SO nice when it's over! It sounds like a fun idea for Enrichment. too bad more people didn't show up. As for potty training - yay for Allie! We've just hit that milestone, too, and it's so nice! I have to say, though, that my Ethan was so much easier than Sydney! But in our case I think it's more because it was my second child and I learned from the first experience.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the lame turnout! At least you all had a blast and now you can relax because it's over! :)

Yay for Allie! It's so nice to switch from diapers to undies! :)

Anonymous said...

Kels you are amazing! I hate planning things when you are hoping for a great turn out and no one comes. Sadly for our ward 20 would be considered excellent turn out but for an activity that elaborate it would be frustrating. It sounds like you handled it well though.

Tell Allie congrats!