Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fun treat idea

So our Enrichment does a book club for one of our mini-classes, and last night was my night to host. I was trying to come up with a great treat and Ryan suggested Sushi... I think it turned out really great.

It is sweet sushi. You make it with angel food cake, fruit roll-ups frosting and coconut. Then you top it with whatever you want. The ladies loved it and it was fun to have something so different! If anyone wants details on how to make it let me know.


wendyberd said...

i want to know - will you please share this GREAT idea with me!?!?

Leanne said...

oh man, I was going to throw up when you mentioned sushi, but that's just cute!

Anonymous said...

Darling AND delicious! I'll have to try that version. I love to make 'sushi' out of rice krispy treats, fruit roll-ups, and a skittle in the middle- that's also pretty tastey. Tell Ryan he has some pretty creative ideas!

Russ and Em said...

I love the idea, give me details.

Kelseybob said...

Okay ladies, you take an angle food cate and cut it into bit-sized circles, wrap a fruit roll up on the outside, with a little frosting to hold it closed (we used fruit by the foot so that we didn't have to cut it to the right height) then put frosting on the top of the "sushi" and dip it into coconut flakes. Top with any kind of candy (we used cut up swedish fish, strawberries, kiwi, and mashmellows) For the wasabi garnish we melted a green airhead in the microwave for 10 seconds and then rolled it into a mound. For the pickled ginger we did the same thing with a pink airhead but instead of rolling into a ball we just kind of mounded it up.

If you have anymore questions let me know and I will explain anything else.

Heather said...

Yum. I've had the kind with the rice krispy treat instead of angel food cake. Yours turned out so pretty. :)