Friday, February 22, 2008

Still no baby.

I am now officially 37 weeks. YAY!! it has been one roller coaster of a week. Sunday we had Stake Conference... during which I went into labor. Ryan was singing, so I sat and waited until the end. Afterwards we packed up the kids and took them to Grandma's. Three hours later, after only progressing 1cm... they gave me and IV, meds to stop the contractions and sent me home. BUMMER!

Wednesday I went for my weekly check up and was at a three... the doctor said he would probably see me before my next appointment, but I told him I wasn't going to the hospital unless one of two things happened... either my water broke, or we saw a head. :) He told me not to wait for the latter, but I'm tired of being sent home.

Today is when they officially consider me full term so if I do go to the hospital they won't send me home. The only problem with going in now is that tomorrow night we are watching my brother's kids while he surprises his wife by taking her to Disneyland, and Ryan's parents are in St. George on vacation until Sunday night. I am having a lot of contractions... about every 10 minutes, but I guess I have to keep my legs crossed until Sunday afternoon. Hopefully then we can get this kid out! :)


Leanne said...

If you need any help seriously, let me know. I would come watch the kids. You'll have to tell me where you live though :)

Heather said...

How nice of you to be watching kids for someone while they have such a fun date! I hope you can hold out! I keep checking for special news. Can't wait!!

Dixie Chic said...

Wow, Kelsey! How ~exciting~! I'm very happy to hear the baby has been fully cooked. I bet you are going nuts wanting to finally meet this little sweetie!

I'll make a NEW prediction. Since you dilated to a 3 in 3 days, I will guesstimate that (since it's now the 25th...) if you haven't already HAD the baby (lol), that it will be on Feb 29th, just because that would be cool. :)

Can't WAIT for some news!!!

Russ and Em said...

If you need help please call. Hopefully you made it through the weekend, and your in laws had a great surprise Disneyland trip (too fun!). I still give you hero status for surviving such an insane pregnancy. I hope all goes well with delivery!