Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A couple of fun get to know me things

Ryan's cute assistant had this on her blog and I loved them so I figured I would steal them and give some info. on Ryan and I.

What is his name?: Ryan Hoskins... Babe I will leave out the middle name, but you owe me ;)

How long have you been together?: Married for almost 7 years

How long did you date?: 1 year, 3 months, with a month break up in the middle.

How old is he? 29

Who eats more?: Me hands down.

Who is taller: He is by a long shot.

Who said "I love you" first? I did. at least I think.

Who can sing better? Ryan

Who is smarter? Ryan he knows everything.

Who does the laundry? Me.

Who pays the bills? He makes the money, but I write the checks out.

Who sleeps on the right side? He does...

Who mows the lawn? He does.

Who cooks dinner? Most of the time it is him.

Who drives? He does

Who is more stubborn?I think he is, but he will say it is me!

Who kissed who first? He kissed me, but I told him he wanted to... long story

Who asked who out first? In high school he did, but after his mission I did.

Who proposed? He did

Who has more friends? I would say Ryan does... he is out more and sees more people.

Who is more sensitive? I am for sure!

Who has more siblings? I do.

Who wears the pants? He does... okay... not really ;)


My Quirks...
I got tagged by Jenny to so this so here goes.

1. I really hate blue food. It just isn't a natural food color.

2. I hate it when people touch my nose. It drives me crazy.

3. I hate it when people are either to early or to late. 5 minutes on either side is fine.

4. I have OCD... things have to be done right or it drives me crazy. I'm trying hard to get over this, but it is a really battle.

5. I hate it when people write on my stuff. Calendars, note books... anything think like that. If you write on it I will rewrite anything that is on that page, or buy and new book and start over.

6. I really hate it when people just walk into my house. Even if whe have invited them over. Knock please.

I can't think of any other things right now... I'm sure Ryan could rattle of another hundred so I will have to ask him.

I tag... Heather, Lisa, Wendy, Leanne and Emily


Russ and Em said...

All right, I'm tagged, - cute info about you and your hubby!!

Anonymous said...

Cute tag/meme! I think it's neat how we're alike in that my hubby does most of the stuff around here, too! :)

Anonymous said...

I finished mine! EEEK! Oh, if you haven't figured it out yet- this is Lisa. :)

Heather said...

I can't wait to do the tag! It'll be a little while, but I'll get to it asap!

Jenny said...

Kelsey... I totally agree with the whole calendar quirk... I hate that! I want to say I am sorry though, I am sorry I just walk into your house. I am totally opposite with you on that one... I am so used to the knock and walk that I do it all the time, so I am sorry for the past... and future of me doing that! I will try to remember to not just walk in from now on. :)