Friday, February 15, 2008

Baby news...

No, no baby yet, but we are getting a lot closer. I went to the doctor on Wednesday and I am at a 2 and 100% effaced. He said anytime now. I'm having a lot of contractions still, but none of them are really regular so we will just wait. I will keep you all posted how things are going.


Heather said...

Bummer. Didn't I guess a Valentine's Day baby? lol. I guess I lost that bet. :O) But hopefully it'll be soon anyway!

Kelseybob said...

I thought about that all day. Sorry you lost. It made me really sad. :(

Anonymous said...

Wow- any day! How exciting! Remember to have your hubby e-mail all your friends with the stats (and a pic would be awesome!)...(oh, and no rush-just when he gets around to it!) you have my e-mail, right?

Can't WAIT to see your new bundle!

Anonymous said...

Maybe by today.....I hope everything goes well. At least you will end the nine month flu!