Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bad blogger

I have been a really bad blogger lately. Our cameras battery died last weekend, and I still haven't been able to find the charger. I haven't seen it since the move three months ago. I am hoping that tomorrow while Sheldon is at preschool I can look through the boxes that are down stairs and see if I can find it.

Anyway, we have had such a busy couple of weeks. Between Sheldon's preschool, tumbling and soccer practies and games, and Allie's tumbling, and dance classes, Ryan's work and softball games, and my new church calling we have had very little time for anything else. We are however all doing very well. We are busy but, very happy.

I haven't been feeling very good the past few weeks with the pregnancy and everything. The doctor has put me on a new morning sickness med, but it makes me really drowsy. I don't know which is worse, the thowing up everything that hits my stomach, or wanting to sleep for four hours during the day. I just have to keep telling myself only a few more months! :)


Heather said...

yuck- it sucks being sick! And so busy at the same time....

Before you know it it'll all pass and you're sweet little baby will be here!

..and then you'll REALLY be busy! :)

Dixie Chic said...

I'd much rather be sleepy anyday! Lol! I remember (I'll NEVER forget!) being pregnant with my 1st- I had hypermesis, too, and threw up every single day. I couldn't get up without feeling dizzy or pukey. I wish my doctors would have given me something, but she just told me it was "normal", especially for first time moms. Pshh, what.ever! Lol.

Wow- you guys ARE one busy family! It sounds like so much fun, though. I don't know how you do it! :) Can't wait to see pics when you find the camera battery. I'm sure there are lots of photo ops!

Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy!