Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Random thoughts Wednesday

So I'm stealing Emily's idea and doing random thoughts today. Since my life is a little Topsy-turvy that is kind of how things are in my head.

Why is it that the mornings you can't sleep in, your kids do sleep in? And why when you can sleep in they are up at the crack of dawn?

40 little kids in one space is just way to many.

Why do you have to have Parent Teacher conferences with Kindergartners when you are in their class at least once a month anyway?

Why is it that when you have way to much to do you always seem to get it done, but when you don't have very much to do you can never get it done?

Can you ever really have enough shoes?

Okay... that is probably enough randomness for one day.

Have great Wednesday!


Elegante Family said...

No, you can't have to many shoes. No such thing! Thanks for the thoughts, that was fun!

Russ and Em said...

Never too many shoes and I think our kids are out to get us when it comes to the sleep thing. I mean really!

Leanne said...

My husband thinks I can have enough shoes. I do not.

I think kids have some sort of sensor, they know when you are getting ready to go out, they go crazy. They know when you want to sleep, they wake up.

I guess it's part of being a parent. Bummer.

The Viehweg's said...

I agree on the shoes. My husband is even a shoe hog at times so it works out alright for us.

Heather said...

totally. Only my kids either get up early or insanely early. There is no sleeping in. sigh.

Anonymous said...

Ack! I thought I'd already left a comment! Sorry!

So- I just LOVED this post, you know- SO.TOTALLY.TRUE. Wow- great insight, m'lady!

Oh and I'm probably the only girl in the world that's not into shoes. I have maybe 3 pair to my name: Flip flops, churchy flip-flops, and Docs. :) Lol!

The Viehweg's said...

OK, random ? for you. How did Ryan get his own "identity" within the blog. My hubby would like to do the same, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. Please help.

The Viehweg's said...

Thanks Kelsey, that was so easy! I was sure I had looked everywhere. Oh well. Thanks again.