Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Yeah for doctor appointments

Today I went to the doctor for my last visit before baby Hoskins comes.
Let me tell you the story...
Yesterday I was having contractions again every 3 minutes. So I called Ryan home from work, we dropped the kids off at my parents house and we headed up to the hospital. When we got there I was check, and was at a 3. 20 minutes later I was checked again and was still at a 3. So we got up and walked for 30 minutes and then was checked again, a three still, but a 3+. The nurse called my doctor and he decided to send me home. :( Bummer.
They gave me nothing to stop the contractions, and told me to go home take an bath and drink lots of fluids. After and hour long bath and 64oz of Gatorade I was still having contractions. I took some Tylenol PM and tried to get some sleep. The contractions continued to keep me awake and even made me throw up a few times. I resolved myself to the fact that I was going to be in labor for the next 3 weeks. :( Double bummer!
I went to the doctor today with fire in my eyes. I just can't function having contractions all day long and try to take care of two young kids and a house. I was weighed at the office and have lost yet another pound, had high blood pressure and a bladder infections. I was at my wits end when the doctor came in. He checked me... I am at a 4 now. He said, "Now you were in the hospital last night right?" A yeah... duh! He then asked me what happened. Um... you sent me home Sherlock! He then took a moment and looked at my chart. Then with some amount of shock said, "Wow you were in labor with your daughter for a really long time. Almost 24 hours? How is that?"
At this point my blood was boiling. So my response was... "Well you see, if I were a pioneer I would still be in labor. My body gets to a 4 and then stays there. For hours, maybe days, weeks or years. With my daughter finally at 4 am I was given Patocin and then she was born 4 hours later. I'm sure that this one is the same way."
He thought for a few moments and said... "If I wold have looked at your chart last night I would have never sent you home." ARRGH!!
So he has given me a prescription for a med that makes false labor stop. If however what I have isn't false it does nothing. If this doesn't stop the contractions I am to tell the nurse that I have been on a med that stops false labor and that she needs to call my doctor. He at that point will instruct them to give me that pit and get this baby out.
If the contractions don't continue then I am to wait until Tuesday where I will just be induced. So the whole point of this long story is that the very last day that I could be having this baby is Tuesday March 4th. Just so that you are all aware that We will have a baby by then if not sooner.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Something other than baby news.

I have been so crazy with all of the baby stuff that I forgot to post about Valentine's day,
and my birthday. Silly me.
Ryan did just what I asked him to do this year. Valentine's day is my favorite holiday... even over Christmas, but because of everything with the baby, I wanted to keep it really mellow this year. He got me a Nintendo DS and the two Brain Age Games. Yes I asked for them, have been for about 6 months now. He got me the really cool blue color, which I later found out was just released. I am totally addicted to this little thing. It is nice to because we can take it to the hospital and he will have something to do during the first stages of labor. And I will have something to do while I am recovering in the hospital. Ryan also made Valentine's day a big deal for the kids. He got a cute teddy bear for Allie, with a box of chocolate, and then he got a tulip plant for Sheldon to give to me. Sheldon had been wanting to get me flowers for Valentines day and thought it was awesome that Daddy had remembered and got them. He also picked out nice card for me from him, for me from Sheldon and from him to Allie.
He is such a great guy!
For my birthday, we played if very low key again. I went to lunch with my mom and the kids and then came home got all dolled up and had a nice romantic dinner with my hubby. We went to a Thai food place called Monsoon. I love it there! He also gave me a cute red digital camera. My last one stopped charging the battery so I was in need of a new one. I love this camera, because it is little and can go everywhere the kids and I go. I also got a ton of memory cards so that I can go crazy and not have to worry about deleting pictures until I get home.
All and all I had a great week! And I was only in the hospital once in the middle of the two great days.! :) Now we will just keep our fingers crossed that baby Hoskins comes this week!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Still no baby.

I am now officially 37 weeks. YAY!! it has been one roller coaster of a week. Sunday we had Stake Conference... during which I went into labor. Ryan was singing, so I sat and waited until the end. Afterwards we packed up the kids and took them to Grandma's. Three hours later, after only progressing 1cm... they gave me and IV, meds to stop the contractions and sent me home. BUMMER!

Wednesday I went for my weekly check up and was at a three... the doctor said he would probably see me before my next appointment, but I told him I wasn't going to the hospital unless one of two things happened... either my water broke, or we saw a head. :) He told me not to wait for the latter, but I'm tired of being sent home.

Today is when they officially consider me full term so if I do go to the hospital they won't send me home. The only problem with going in now is that tomorrow night we are watching my brother's kids while he surprises his wife by taking her to Disneyland, and Ryan's parents are in St. George on vacation until Sunday night. I am having a lot of contractions... about every 10 minutes, but I guess I have to keep my legs crossed until Sunday afternoon. Hopefully then we can get this kid out! :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Baby news...

No, no baby yet, but we are getting a lot closer. I went to the doctor on Wednesday and I am at a 2 and 100% effaced. He said anytime now. I'm having a lot of contractions still, but none of them are really regular so we will just wait. I will keep you all posted how things are going.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A couple of fun get to know me things

Ryan's cute assistant had this on her blog and I loved them so I figured I would steal them and give some info. on Ryan and I.

What is his name?: Ryan Hoskins... Babe I will leave out the middle name, but you owe me ;)

How long have you been together?: Married for almost 7 years

How long did you date?: 1 year, 3 months, with a month break up in the middle.

How old is he? 29

Who eats more?: Me hands down.

Who is taller: He is by a long shot.

Who said "I love you" first? I did. at least I think.

Who can sing better? Ryan

Who is smarter? Ryan he knows everything.

Who does the laundry? Me.

Who pays the bills? He makes the money, but I write the checks out.

Who sleeps on the right side? He does...

Who mows the lawn? He does.

Who cooks dinner? Most of the time it is him.

Who drives? He does

Who is more stubborn?I think he is, but he will say it is me!

Who kissed who first? He kissed me, but I told him he wanted to... long story

Who asked who out first? In high school he did, but after his mission I did.

Who proposed? He did

Who has more friends? I would say Ryan does... he is out more and sees more people.

Who is more sensitive? I am for sure!

Who has more siblings? I do.

Who wears the pants? He does... okay... not really ;)


My Quirks...
I got tagged by Jenny to so this so here goes.

1. I really hate blue food. It just isn't a natural food color.

2. I hate it when people touch my nose. It drives me crazy.

3. I hate it when people are either to early or to late. 5 minutes on either side is fine.

4. I have OCD... things have to be done right or it drives me crazy. I'm trying hard to get over this, but it is a really battle.

5. I hate it when people write on my stuff. Calendars, note books... anything think like that. If you write on it I will rewrite anything that is on that page, or buy and new book and start over.

6. I really hate it when people just walk into my house. Even if whe have invited them over. Knock please.

I can't think of any other things right now... I'm sure Ryan could rattle of another hundred so I will have to ask him.

I tag... Heather, Lisa, Wendy, Leanne and Emily