Friday, March 5, 2010

March... so far.

A few weeks ago (the 18th of February) I got a call from the office staff at Sheldon's school. They were in need of a sub for the afternoon and were wondering if I could come and take the class. I told them that would be fine and headed over. The last Wednesday of February I went to the district office to fill out my paperwork so that I could be paid. Monday morning I got a call to Sub, which I took, I got one Tuesday morning that I did take, Wednesday I took it, and didn't take the one on Thursday. So needless to say this subbing gig could be come full time! I have very mixed emotions about that, but that is a whole different post.
Yesterday was my baby's 2nd birthday. Can you believe it? He is such a fun little one to have in the house. He is always making us laugh with his silly faces and games. Anytime he hears music he asks me to dance with him. He is a big Mommy's boy, but is so good natured that he really loves everyone. We sure do love our little E.


Dave and Lindsay said...

We love him too!!! That's awesome about the whole sub thing!! I didn't know!! That's great, good for you!! I really hope you enjoy it & something good and happy comes out of it!! That's wonderful!!!:)

Leanne said...

my mom is a retired teacher and she could sub (in just one school) almost every single day of the year. there is such a need. good for you for helping out!

Russ and Em said...

Sounds like fun as long as it works for you and your family. The balance is always tricky. Hope you have fun with it!