Friday, March 12, 2010

Accident Prone

Ryan while growing up was a pretty accident prone kid. His mom tells stories about many trips to the emergency room. I on the other hand have never broken a bone at the first time I had stitches was after having Sheldon. It has always been my fear that I would have kids that would follow in his footsteps. With the first two kids we haven't had that problem. No stitches or broken bones, knock on wood, but then Ethan came along...Since turning 2 he has fallen off of the bar stool and knocked himself out, and yesterday he was jumping on the bed and hit his head on my head board and split it open. Sigh! At least he is a trooper and after a couple of minutes he is his same old happy go lucky self and it all doesn't seem to affect him, but it this is a precursor for what I have to look forward to, one or both of us is going to have to be locked in a patted room! :)


Leanne said...

we've had stitches at our house, no fun! good luck to you both :)

Holly said...

Hi! Found your blog! Glad we can keep up with each other this way, even though we live across the street from each other..ha ha!